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The artifacts come with a LocationService class which provides a high-level implementations for handling location-related operations in your applications. It uses a LocationProvider to manage the actual location updates. On Android it defaults to AndroidLocationProvider and on iOS it defaults to CLLocationProvider if not specified.


To use LocationService, you first need to initialize it. There are few ways to do this:

Using the default provider

This method uses the default AndroidLocationProvider or CLLocationProvider for iOS.

import com.addhen.klocation.LocationService

val context: Context = /* your application context */
val locationService = LocationService(context)

Using the FusedLocationProvider

The FusedLocationProvider is a wrapper around the Google Play services FusedLocationProviderClient API. To use it:

Add the following dependencies to your Gradle build file:

dependencies {
  implementation '<version>'
  // Add other required dependencies
Then initialize the FusedLocationProvider:
val context: Context = // your application context
val fusedLocationProvider = FusedLocationProvider(
    context = context,
    intervalMs = 1000, // Update interval in milliseconds (optional)
    priority = Priority.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY // Location priority (optional)

You can then pass the fusedLocationProvider to the LocationService:

val locationService = LocationService(fusedLocationProvider)

Note: The FusedLocationProvider is only available on Android.

Using a custom location provider

val customProvider: LocationProvider = // your custom location provider
val locationService = LocationService(locationProvider = customProvider)

Using the LocationService

For klocation artifact

This guide will walk you through using the LocationService APIs for consuming location in your non compose-based applications.

Requesting location updates

To receive continuous location updates, use the requestLocationUpdates() method:

  .onEach { state ->
    // Handle the location state
    when (state) {
      is LocationState.LocationDisabled -> {
        // Location is disabled
      is LocationState.Error -> {
        // Handle the error
      LocationState.NoNetworkEnabled -> {
        // No network enabled
      LocationState.PermissionMissing -> {
        // Permission missing
      is LocationState.CurrentLocation<*> -> {
        // Handle the current location
        // for Android cast as `android.location.Location`
        // for iOS cast as `CLLocation`
        val location = state.libLocation as? Location
        // Or use the extension variable `state.location` for Android and iOS `state.cllocation`
        // Do something with the location

Getting the last known location

To retrieve the last known location, use the getLastKnownLocation() method:

viewModelScope.launch {
  try {
    val locationState = locationService.getLastKnownLocation()
    // Handle the location state
    when (locationState) {
      is LocationState.LocationDisabled -> {
        // Location is disabled
      is LocationState.Error -> {
        // Handle the error
      LocationState.NoNetworkEnabled -> {
        // No network enabled
      LocationState.PermissionMissing -> {
        // Permission missing
      is LocationState.CurrentLocation<*> -> {
        // Handle the current location
        // for Android cast as `android.location.Location`
        // for iOS cast as `CLLocation`
        val location = state.libLocation as? Location
        // Or use the extension variable `state.location` for Android and iOS `state.cllocation`
        // Do something with the location
  } catch (e: Throwable) {
    // Handle the error

For klocation-compose artifact

This guide will walk you through using the APIs provided for consuming location in your compose-based application.

Requesting location updates

To receive continuous location updates, use the locationUpdatesState() function in your Composable:

import com.addhen.klocation.compose.locationUpdatesState

fun LocationTracking(locationService: LocationService) {
  val locationState by locationUpdatesState(locationService)

  val info = getLocation(locationState)
  Text(text = info)

private fun getLocation(locationState: LocationState): String {
  val locationInfo = when (locationState) {
    is LocationState.LocationDisabled -> {
      "Location disabled"
    is LocationState.Error -> {
      "Error: ${(locationState as LocationState.Error).message}"
    LocationState.NoNetworkEnabled -> {
      "No network enabled"
    LocationState.PermissionMissing -> {
      "Permission missing"

    is LocationState.CurrentLocation<*> -> {
      val location = locationState.location
  return locationInfo

Getting the last known location

To get the last known location, use the lastKnownLocationState() function in your Composable:

import com.addhen.klocation.compose.lastKnownLocationState

fun LastKnownLocation(locationService: LocationService) {
  val locationState by lastKnownLocationState(locationService)

  val info = getLocation(locationState)
  Text(text = info)

Using recomposition keys

The lastKnownLocationState() function has overloads that accept recomposition keys. These are useful when you want to force a refresh of the last known location based on certain conditions:

import com.addhen.klocation.compose.lastKnownLocationState

fun RefreshableLastLocation(
  locationService: LocationService,
  refreshTrigger: Boolean
) {
    val lastLocationState by lastKnowLocationState(
    // Do something with lastLocationState
In this example, the last known location will be refreshed whenever refreshTrigger changes.

Best practices

  1. Permission Handling: Ensure you have the necessary location permissions before using these functions.
  2. Error Handling: Always handle the LocationState.Error case to provide a good user experience.
  3. Lifecycle Awareness: These Composable functions are automatically lifecycle-aware, but ensure you're not calling them unnecessarily.
  4. Performance: Use lastKnownLocationState() when you don't need continuous updates, as it's less resource-intensive.
  5. Recomposition Keys: Use keys judiciously. Overusing them can lead to unnecessary recompositions and battery drain.